Multicultural Resources
Diabetes Australia has a range of translated multicultural diabetes resources people with diabetes who speak languages other than English. These resources will help you to understand and manage their diabetes. These cover topics including: Making healthy food choices Community sharps Diabetes in Pregnancy Interpreting services The NDSS Information in Your Language landing page.
Multicultural Resources
Multicultural Resources
Diabetes Australia has a range of translated multicultural diabetes resources people with diabetes who speak languages other than English. These resources will help you to understand and manage their diabetes. These cover topics including: Making healthy food choices Community sharps Diabetes in Pregnancy Interpreting services The NDSS Information in Your Language landing page.
Multicultural Resources
Information in Your Language
The NDSS multicultural diabetes portal provides a broad range of translated diabetes resources for health professionals and people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Information in Your Language
Information in Your Language
The NDSS multicultural diabetes portal provides a broad range of translated diabetes resources for health professionals and people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Information in Your Language
Community Diabetes (ComDiab)
The ComDiab program supports you to understand and self-manage your diabetes. It provides practical information around healthy food choices, being active and preventing complications, and supplements the education and care provided by your doctor.
Community Diabetes (ComDiab)
Community Diabetes (ComDiab)
The ComDiab program supports you to understand and self-manage your diabetes. It provides practical information around healthy food choices, being active and preventing complications, and supplements the education and care provided by your doctor.
Community Diabetes (ComDiab)
126 Kareena Road, Miranda NSW, Australia
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